One particular zomgirl's crypt full of nail polish.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Liquid Lacquer No Quarter

I'm still undead  alive, just been having computer issues that didn't let me catch up, and I have three posts' worth of catching up to do. Plus Lestat the zom-bird bit me so hard under my lip on Monday that I needed 10 stitches (at least...) to get put back together again. Love bites, literally.

Anyway. Who's ready to continue on the Zeppelin tour of rainbow holo-ness?

Today brings us No Quarter and its fantasmical green holo-ness. Very Halloween-appropriate, actually....then again to me just about everything is Halloween-appropriate. No Quarter is a forest green holo that gets something of a golden cast, I'm wagering from the interaction of the color with the holo, in some lights. More magical than the Misty Mountains (bonus points if you catch the Zeppelin/LOTR crossover reference here). Shown are three mesmerizing coats.


Rock some Liquid Lacquer by going to their website and follow tour dates updates on Facebook!

This polish was purchased by me.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. There is a full line of polishes named after Zeppelin songs. This is enough to blow my mind to deliriously happy, tiny little bits. But then they're holo..... Ohmyfreakinnnnngoshsakesamerica I can die happy. The Tolkien references sprinkled throughout the albums have delighted me for years :) :) :) :)

  2. Thank you so much!!! A few of them are still available on Liquid Lacquer's site including the one I'm posting in t-20 seconds, Tea For One, which is mind-blowingly amazing. The lip is healing up pretty well by the way, and Lestat's no-special-treats punishment (heh if you call that a punishment) is over. :)
