One particular zomgirl's crypt full of nail polish.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Elevation Polish Glow Worm Caves

I think I've found my next vacation destination.

It might be a natural wonder, but New Zealand's Glow Worm Caves is really more Star Trek than National Geographic. 

See what I mean? It's a thing of unearthly beauty. And so is its namesake polish.

Elevation Polish Glow Worm Caves is a deep teal jelly with blue squares, green circles, brown hexes and tiny blue glitters. In other words, it is a thing of wondrous glowy depth.

This is only two coats. Because of the typical nature of jellies you might be as shocked as I am at this point but yes, this is indeed two coats with nary a streak in sight. The glitters applied really smoothly and evenly too, even those elusive brown hexes. Now that's really magical.

The brown hexes have surfaced!

This was a one-off prototype, but it just might reanimate as a final version in the future. In the meantime, dig up more otherwordly treasure at the Elevation shop and stalk Lulu's blog!

This polish was purchased by me.


  1. Just exquisite! Thank you for sharing it.

  2. Thank you, no problem! I wore it to Jekyll & Hyde's for my birthday dinner and it was the perfect dark and creepy shade for that. ;)

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Loved reading your post too, you've got such a way with words!

  4. Thanks so much Jen! I really do enjoy writing these. :)
