One particular zomgirl's crypt full of nail polish.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hare Polish The Sky Was Pink

So the other night I was driving home from diving practice, nails newly bare from The Pool That No Nail Polish Has Ever Survived  (due to what must be sub-lethal chlorine levels--if I start mutating in another couple years, I'll let you know), I spotted some awesomeness on the horizon. The sky was pink. Really, really pink. Cosmic-electro-lipstick-bubble-pop-pink. Kind of like this:

So I might be exaggerating a little. But it definitely solved the dilemma of what to paint my nails with, because I went home and immediately pulled this beauty out of my drawer:

The Sky Was Pink is an electric pink jelly packed, I mean positively packed, with light and dark blue glitters and microglitters plus a blaze of hot pink shimmer. Need more picspam to prove it? Alright then:

This technically doesn't have any blue iridescence, but in the right lights, the blue glitters glow to the point that they give it a purplish cast. It's mesmerizing.

Oh that delicious macro.

Hare Polish is available through Hare's Etsy shop and Llarowe. Stalk the Hare Polish Facebook and website for updates!

This polish was purchased by me.

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