One particular zomgirl's crypt full of nail polish.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Who loves summer? Skeeters! Humidity! Sleepless nights lacking in air conditioning!

                   Unearthed from this crypt.

That would be me at the moment. In case it isn't glaringly obvious by now I am not a fan of summer. I'd rather live in the freezer section of ShopRite for those three months than deal with the heat, and humidity makes me more restless than the Real Housewives of New Jersey (yay for my home state). It doesn't take an astrophysicist to figure out my undead complexion burns in the sun. Not to mention the local mosquitoes give me a high Zagat rating. Fate must have a real sense of humor because I was born smack in the middle of July. 

Speaking of freezers and things that are frozen, I have a glacier for you today. Elevation Polish Lys Glacier. I'd take a real iceberg with that, but technology hasn't come to the point where you can fit one of those into a 15ml bottle. The actual Lys Glacier is (where) Plus with an average heat index of 95 around here it looks really appetizing right about now.
I borrowed a whole iceberg.

Lys Glacier is a dusky lavender creme with purple microflakies that are just slightly darker. In certain lights you can see sparks of a shimmer that flashes somwhere between purple and magenta, which sets it apart from others in this color family that I already have in my hoard. 

                                  Elevation Polish Lys Glacier
 Elevation Polish Lys Glacier
Tried another angle to capture the shimmer. My camera just wouldn't cooperate with this. It got a little on the bottle, but hardly any on my nails. In real life it's much more visible, especially in sunlight!

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

        Brace yourself for an onslaught of spam. I got just a little obsessed with this color.

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier


Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

There's the shimmer!

Elevation Polish Lys Glacier

This was a prototype that can't be recreated as is, but it very well could reappear as a final version (several of them have), so keep an eyeball out. In the meantime, find plenty of other pretties at the Elevation shop and don't forget to stalk Lulu's blog!


  1. This is not at all my color, but it's stunning on you! And as another midJuly baby who loathes summer, I'm grateful for your glacier pics. :)

  2. Awww thank you!! What date is your birthday? I am so jealous of my uncle, he was born on Halloween haha
