One particular zomgirl's crypt full of nail polish.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Liquid Lacquer Dazed and Confused


     So you know what they say about all good things, and on that note (pun not intended, not really anyway...nevermind) we've reached the end of the Zeppelin tour. As such, I though it was necessary to give you one last look at this:

At least I'm ending it on an awesome polish based on a killer song. Dazed and Confused is a creamy cool-toned gray with a scattered holo shimmer. The really unique thing about this polish is, the holo shimmer actually makes it look some a sort of sparkly speckled marble up close. No matter how I tried there was just no possible way to do this color the justice it deserves. Shown is three coats.

Direct lighting:

Now that I've listened to worn the whole album collection, I have to say it was no less amazing than the songs it was inspired by. The creamy holos take a tad longer to dry than the others, but that's just characteristic of those types of polishes. Overall I have to say that my only disappointment was that my favorite Led Zep song of all time, The Rover (also from Phsyical Graffiti) wasn't bottled and holo'd up, but otherwise they got a whole lotta lovin'. Since my camera just couldn't do this color enough justice, go to Liquid Lacquer's Site to grab a bottle for yourself, and be a Facebook groupie while you're at it. For now, we're going to have to say "Babe I'm gonna leave you" to Robert, Jimmy, John and John Paul, but you can always go back and ogle the gifs. I know I will.

This polish was purchased by me.


  1. Saaaaad face that the tour is over! :( Not a dud in this bunch (though I *might* be slightly biased). Zep's first album has been a favorite to wake up to since I was in high school, lol. It just feels like a perfect morning album for some reason. I can hear it calling me the way it used to do :)

  2. Zep is comfort music for me. Crappy day? Suddenly the sound of Robert's voice and Jimmy's Guitar make it alright. I might be biased too but I loved them all!
