One particular zomgirl's crypt full of nail polish.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Liquid Lacquer When the Levee Breaks

     We've arrived at our next stop on the Zeppelin tour, and it sure is rainin'. Not sure if it's Chicago or down South, but wherever it is it keeps on rainin'.  You knew I was inevitably going to start geeking out on lyric references at some point. Anyway, there's no actual rain required to see the rainbows in what I'm about to show you. Even Robert's seeing rainbows.

     So maybe he was a little high on the adoration of millions of screaming, fawning, flailing, bra-flinging fans in this short. Or on…other things. Whatever the case, When the Levee Breaks is a periwinkle-ish blue holo that really is like wearing a rainbow in a blue sky right on your fingertips. Not so much in the lightbox shots (light boxes will kill holos like nobody's business), but if you've got the jitters just waiting to see what I mean, scroll down to the photos I took in direct lighting. Shown is three coats and a whole lotta rainbows (see what I did there?).


Direct lighting. Keep your panties on.

      Before the levee really does break and floods wash all of this glorious rainbowgasm away, be a groupie and grab the sweaty shirt off Robert Plant's back a bottle over at the Liquid Lacquer site or stalk tour bus on Facebook. Robert told me it's stopping by a Halloweeny destination very, very soon.

      I also can't leave without a shoutout to the source of that scrumdiddlyumptious gif I posted at the top. Plant Me a Robert. Best. Tumblr. Name. Ever. 

This polish was purchased by me.


  1. 7+ minutes of pure osm ♥♥ Plant Me A Robert, YESSSS!! Oh, and this polish is so softly beautiful. Y U HAVE THE MOST AWESOME POSTS EVARRRRR???!?!?

  2. Awwww, thanks so much you are too sweet!!! :D I wish I could plant me a Robert, wouldn't need any Miracle Gro that's for sure! I ought to do nail art with his face someday. And Jimmy's. When I have time to burn.
